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repair mechanism中文是什么意思

用"repair mechanism"造句"repair mechanism"怎么读"repair mechanism" in a sentence


  • 修复机理,修复机制
  • 修复机制


  • This lack of repair mechanism makes the cells vulnerable to certain stresses
  • Specifically , this paper made following contributions : time warp based state repairing mechanism
  • A team at london ' s hammersmith hospital is attempting to reverse cirrhosis of the liver by harnessing and enhancing the body ' s own repair mechanism
  • Those who are most susceptible to the disease have over - zealous repair mechanisms that replace too much liver with useless scar tissue
  • This thesis focuses systematic and comprehensive study on distress causes , repair mechanisms , patching materials and maintenance procedures in relation to cracks and potholes , the two most commonly seen distresses in asphalt roads
  • On the base of the algorithm of rohc , this project put forward a new fast repair mechanism of de - compressor context . this mechanism could repair the astnchronisms induced by abundant packets loss and be helpful to compress correctly
  • Because traditional dr algorithm had many short time inconsistency and local lag technology could not support multiple participants to operate one entity in same time , time warp based state repairing mechanism was presented
  • This thesis for the first time bases its analysis on the maintenance characteristics and repair mechanisms for crack filling and pothole repair in asphalt roads . it analyzes the properties of the aggregate and the bituminous binder in patching materials , and further analyzes the compatibilities of the aggregate and the bituminous binder , patching materials and old pavement materials . furthermore , it determines the grading types , the mineral aggregate gradations , the application rate of asphalt , the principle of selecting component materials and the air void
  • A deepened analysis is offered to damage mechanisms typical of cracks and potholes in six and four categories respectively . and an analytical research is conducted on crack filling and repair mechanisms , on the basis of which specific requirements on maintenance effects are put forward
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